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Frontend Developer (Next.js, React) Learning Plan


  • Skills: Next.js, React
  • Level: Comprehensive
  • Current Experience: No Experience
  • Weekly Hours: 20 hours/week
  • Duration: 90 days

Learning Journey

Week 1

  • Introduction to Web Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics.
  • Understanding the DOM: Basic web page structure.
  • Setting up a Development Environment: Tools like VSCode and Git.

Week 2

  • Introduction to React: Components, JSX, and Props.
  • State and Lifecycle in React.
  • Handling Events in React.

Week 3

  • React Router: Navigation in React applications.
  • Forms and Controlled Components in React.
  • Basic Hooks: useState and useEffect.

Week 4

  • Introduction to Next.js: Pages and routing.
  • Static Generation vs. Server-side Rendering.
  • Data Fetching in Next.js.

Week 5

  • Advanced React Patterns: Context API and Custom Hooks.
  • Performance Optimization in React: Memoization and Lazy Loading.
  • Error Boundaries in React.

Week 6

  • Next.js API Routes and Middleware.
  • Authentication in Next.js Applications.
  • Deploying Next.js Applications to Vercel.

Week 7

  • State Management with Redux: In React applications.
  • Integrating Redux with Next.js.
  • Testing React Components: Using Jest and React Testing Library.

Week 8

  • [Optional] Advanced State Management: With Redux Toolkit.
  • [Optional] Server-side Rendering with Redux in Next.js.
  • [Optional] TypeScript with React and Next.js.

Week 9

  • Building a Full-stack Application: With Next.js and Node.js.
  • Connecting to a Database: For example, MongoDB from a Next.js app.
  • Implementing RESTful APIs: In a Next.js application.

Week 10

  • [Optional] GraphQL Integration: With Next.js using Apollo Client.
  • [Optional] Real-time Features: With WebSockets in a Next.js app.
  • [Optional] Advanced Caching Strategies: In Next.js.

Week 11

  • Optimizing Next.js Applications: For SEO and performance.
  • Internationalization (i18n): In Next.js applications.
  • Security Best Practices: For React and Next.js applications.

Week 12

  • Final Project: Building a comprehensive full-stack application using React and Next.js.
  • Code Review and Refactoring: Best practices.
  • Preparing for Technical Interviews: Common frontend questions and challenges.

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