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Frontend Developer (React, JavaScript) 90-Day Learning Plan
- Skills: React, JavaScript
- Level: Comprehensive
- Current Experience: No Experience
- Weekly Hours: 20 hours/week
- Duration: 90 days
Learning Journey
Week 1
- Introduction to Web Development: Understanding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics.
- JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, data types, functions, and control structures.
- Setting Up Development Environment: Installing Node.js, npm, and code editors like VSCode.
- Version Control with Git: Basic commands and workflow.
Week 2
- Advanced JavaScript Concepts: Closures, promises, async/await, and ES6+ features.
- Introduction to React: Understanding components, JSX, and the virtual DOM.
- State and Props in React: Managing component state and passing data through props.
- React Developer Tools: Debugging and inspecting React applications.
Week 3
- React Component Lifecycle: Understanding lifecycle methods and hooks.
- Handling Events in React: Event handling and binding methods.
- React Router: Implementing navigation and routing in a React application.
- [Optional] Advanced JavaScript Patterns: Module pattern, factory functions, and more.
Week 4
- State Management with Redux: Introduction to Redux and managing global state.
- Connecting React with Redux: Using React-Redux to connect components to the store.
- Middleware in Redux: Understanding and implementing middleware like Redux Thunk.
- [Optional] Context API: Using Context API for state management without Redux.
Week 5
- Styling in React: CSS Modules, Styled Components, and CSS-in-JS.
- Form Handling in React: Controlled vs. uncontrolled components and form validation.
- Error Boundaries in React: Handling errors gracefully in React applications.
- [Optional] Advanced State Management: Exploring MobX or Recoil for state management.
Week 6
- Testing in React: Introduction to Jest and React Testing Library.
- Unit Testing Components: Writing tests for individual components.
- Integration Testing: Testing component interactions and user flows.
- [Optional] End-to-End Testing: Using tools like Cypress for comprehensive testing.
Week 7
- Performance Optimization in React: Techniques for optimizing rendering and load times.
- Code Splitting and Lazy Loading: Improving performance with dynamic imports.
- React Profiler: Analyzing performance bottlenecks using the React Profiler tool.
- [Optional] Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Introduction to Next.js for SSR.
Week 8
- Building a Real-World Project: Planning and structuring a comprehensive React application.
- Implementing Authentication: Adding user authentication to your project.
- Deployment of React Applications: Deploying applications using platforms like Vercel or Netlify.
- [Optional] Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Converting your application into a PWA.
Week 9
- Advanced React Patterns: Higher-order components, render props, and custom hooks.
- Accessibility in React Applications: Ensuring your applications are accessible to all users.
- Internationalization (i18n): Implementing multi-language support in your application.
- [Optional] GraphQL with React: Introduction to using GraphQL with Apollo Client.
Week 10
- Understanding Frontend Architecture: Best practices for structuring large-scale applications.
- Security Best Practices: Protecting your application from common vulnerabilities.
- Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Automating testing and deployment processes.
- [Optional] Micro Frontends: Exploring the concept of micro frontends for large applications.
Week 11
- Review and Refactor Project Codebase: Applying best practices and optimizations learned.
- Final Project Presentation: Preparing a presentation of your project for potential employers or peers.
- Mock Interviews and Coding Challenges: Practicing common frontend interview questions and challenges.
- [Optional] Open Source Contribution: Finding an open-source project to contribute to.
Week 12
- Exploring New Frontend Technologies: Staying updated with the latest trends in frontend development.
- Networking and Community Involvement: Joining developer communities and attending meetups or conferences.
- Career Planning and Portfolio Building: Creating a portfolio to showcase your skills and projects.
- [Optional] Advanced Topics Exploration: Delving into topics like WebAssembly or WebRTC.
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